Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day - repost 2015 - Just a few weeks before the wedding of Lyn

“One fair daughter, and no more…..,” Hamlet, II,ii,416
Thoughts on Mothers’ Day 2004

Having a child is a positive declaration to the world: it’s a belief in the future and a desire to contribute to it.  On one level, one has a child for personal and selfish reasons: to love, to cosset, to nurture, and, of course, to pass on those incredible genes!  On a greater level, one hopes to affect the future and to make the world a better place.  What mother in her heart has not looked into that tiny form of a helpless child and seen the possibilities – the one who will accomplish all that we could not, the one who might accomplish great things in his or her chosen field, or the one whose name will be loved and cherished on account of talents or beauty of character.
We are caretakers and nurturers, at once scared and awed by the power that this role apparently offers us, but even more terrified at our total inadequacy for the task that parenthood involves. 

Afterword: May 2015 
The future is in great hands as I consider all the wonderful girls in this family!

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